Tuesday, March 25, 2014

bodoh eh org yg suke buat ppn mcm taik.......

sometime good looking guy are bad , nieither are the not good looking guy. so what's the point if falling and they will just hurt you anywy...
they said they are not lke the rest but the colour will show after amonth. hais.

dia pernah berkata ya dia tak sama mcm lelaki yg kat luar tu , tapy aper, btul tak hes just thesame mcm lelaki haram pat luar. after our first date bile dah balik , our convantion are super dammm freaking cold! if our convation is alr cold , what more do i need to expect. 
its like feelings for me change.. i fall too easy. kalau dia dah nak hilangkan diri mcm gini aku takboleh stop dia  .. sbb i cant force him to stay if he dunwant to make effort to stay. asin our first convo i alr said i dunwant to invole any relatioship. but endup i fall . i fall but he was never ther to catch me. dgn kebodohan aku , terima kau seada nye tapy aper , 
itu semua masuk tohsampah , tak guna aku nak petahan kan feeling aku pada kau. i just have to accpt the fact that kau tak layak utk jage aku dan lembut haty aku...
sangup eh kau buat ni semua pada aku.. takpe lets face the pricinper that tak heran ku tglkamaku sbb ahde lagy byk yg masih nak kan aku. 
terimakasih atas kau punye kesbran dan kesumernye.......