Monday, February 20, 2012


~dunknow what went wrong or what so ever. ai still love you ! ;'( ai wont want to say out but ai can just do lithis . ai cume akan doakan you selamat and study well and take care , you are always in my heart , :') . ai ryduu you saje and yea its been 2years my feelings never fade although you hurt me badly on our 1year anniversary . ai still remember every lil thing ! and took me 1year to contact you back . ai known ai went to in relationship but its was bad . ai cant seem to get away . ai can speak when ai in contact with your eyes , its like ai saww everything what am ai thinking of being witt you agaain . ai still love your sweetness and your pretty eyes ! ;'(
and hugg you and hear your heatbeat , ai just speachless . and you deny me saying ai cried . okaay , ai wanted to but nahs , ai wont wan to show , like for what , do you even know why ?. and yeaa , if ai were to cried , you will feel baad on your bdy itself . so ai guess itsokay.. :']
ai think you and your peragai masih same , suker benki ppn pedih saying ''i tak boleh text you selalu , sekali kali jek . taw '' dulu mase kyte berpacaran , pun you did say lithis , oh wait mase tu is takboleh jumper sbb 0level . haish . see ai told you ai remeberrrr ! what do yu expt when a girl love u tt deeply and you give her so much to remeber..............
it might be ; ''I hate when old feelings come back, that you thought had gone away...''Maybe I'm over you. Maybe I've moved on. Maybe I like someone else. Maybe, I'm just a really good liar.''

Saturday, February 18, 2012

out of my mind , ai think its okay!

why on earth ai always face customer lithis ;
Iwant tampedpants size44'' ask joyce, she say dunhave, tell the customer and she reply ''i ask yu to check at e storeroom whenth have any tampedpants,idunwant to know about others pants do u know what i need do u understand what i wan i think you also not willing to help me'' ai say but and piss and walk away ~ like i told u alr dunhave , and yu scold me ? ai think this customer no heart and dununderstand what ai mean . she stupid la ai think ~ai want answer baaack siaa , like tell her updownleftright uh . but hey , customer always right . like wht the shit laaa . haiyaaa!!!

; mummy you so tating .
and mepek ey , aqu pakai aper pape , mesty kena tegur tatingg !

let jumpp to yaziddd ~


he askk me this ; why are you so nice to me suddenly? after the pain i brought to you?''
thanks for asking . ai got many answer to his question , but ai dunknow how to rephares it .
; do you still want to be with me?coz if that is what you want i cannot now, i treat you more like a friend someone i can talk to. azura... back then, we were young. ai reply; ''its not that ai want to be with you . ai just miss everything we use to have''
so true , actually if we were to patch back ai really don't mind . ai only miss his hug .

okaaay that's it . kkaay bye ~

Thursday, February 16, 2012


just summary ; vanlentine with leechuanjie ^.^ get chocolate ;3
trims my eyebrow thistyme lawaa :#
login facebook being 1mth plus never login . and guess what my profile so messyy ! ai dun understand a thing. >,<
so ai saw yazid online , so ai just start the convo , yu know why , cause ai miss hym and his bdy coming so that's why . starting otp with hym , 2hr ~ we said about the past and he said ''ungkit shey' ai tak ungkit , ai remember every single thing >.<' what do u expt when a girl love u tt deeply and you give her so much to remember. yea its all past but ai cant forget every single thing u did! but than he call me by my name ''zuraa zuraa azura'' sumpah its like oldtyme. imissthosemoment. wishtohaveonemorechance.
tt afternoon we text ~ ai told hym ai was sorry , because ai said about the past , ai told hym ai cant control so it let out itself. and he said ''itsokay i understand . you have the right to get angry.'' aww thankkyou! during workk we chaat ;3 most nice feeling ai feel like ai am attch with hym again . but noo ;c
but now ai dunknow , ai feel like ai want more , or ai am out of my mind ? ai keep running back to yu! uhnoo , this cant be happenning right ? or isiz just a feeling ? but what if i really running back to hym ? is he still worth it for me ? althought ai known he did hurt me badly , or ai alr forgive hym ? or ai just wan it again with hym ? ughh ! its sooo confuse

Monday, February 13, 2012

what a day. but fuuuun !

told ya we look like couple ^.^

how's today? aie not very sure . first thing first ; meetup with this two boys faiz and amirul . being awhile since we were apart . than kyte ambik gbr bykbyk at amirul's camera . lawaaa la sume ! and doranq nyh bastedd cpkk " kyte makin tinggi , bdk nyh makin pendek ey?'' kuranqajar kan ! admit laa , ai am short... dulu amirul pendek now aqu pulak yg pendekk , adoii ! overall bestt ~ (me and faizz , biyaser mcm couple bestt!)

and family >.< sumpah tating shey . kuar dgn kawan pun kena. bey kena maki updown left right. ya rabbi SUKER? alaaa bwat aper naq bbl phsal nyh sumer ? benki sakit haty ahde la . .

okaaaaaaaaay ai guess that's all ? haha. happy vanlentine daaay !

Sunday, February 12, 2012

new title new start . like they said slowlyslowly~

hello! ai will update this new blog . so everything about me everything what ai like ai wan to type. like twiitter , but too bad not tt long. new title noww. will blogg . no worries!

so now ai am 17plus alr. so fast ai grownup . ;<
my previous blog were all like ''idunbelieve i blogthat' feelings. maybe ppl change?
now ai am single, working? boring life . what to do maan? remember previous always got about rudy ? yeaa we still in contact with eachother, no offcen la ai still love hym , although there many ex of mine after hym.

waitt before ai forget , valentine coming yea? haha! ai will be celebrate with leechuanjie ~

okaaay ai got no much to say. ai just wan do blogging , its like ai need/want it . please be nice ? :x
nytee ;xx