Thursday, February 28, 2013

a lovely day ;]

heylo ;D using monite
because if using phone like mink anpun
where shld i start .....
abit by bit la maybe..

- semlm with camel , leturing akuhh jek, stress la..
not forceing but telling . if telling kan not everyday taw. this is like forever..boring taww aku,.
aku tak solat ke aper ke itu antara aku dgn tuhan. akuhh tak buat salah , akuh selalu berdoa kepada allah.. akuh takpernah conplain nothing. so pls la. tatting..
then he said that , be open ; he knows i kuar with jantan , ciumcium , and maen ? excuss me !? geramm perr,,

- actually itu je akuh mapu tulis .
ohhhhhhh ! mat contton on handsome. sort of nmpk like RUDY . whoaaa ! isiz really hym ???

- i hate azri , ughh mine feeling was quite okay until justnow , he say about ifffa , then saying that i always cntct hym after wrok. aiyaa. cbb siaa.... ;'{

- i still cant believe that im single. ;'[

- i realise only pnoy ppl frendly at my work palce. haish , , , ,

alright. amqhaii disinyhe shja,,
byeee ;)

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